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# ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) / ABDM (Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission)

Revolutionizing Healthcare Access in India

Why choose us?

We are a trusted partner in India's digital health ecosystem, empowering individuals with secure and seamless health data management. Our expertise in ABHA and ABDM ensures a simplified and inclusive healthcare experience.


Building scalable Technology that makes an impact in competitive world

Brand Presence

Stand ahead and top of your competitors Stand ahead and top of your competitors


Helping you in making Strategic decisions to excel at customer acquision.

We stand out from the rest
Since we cover most of the services in the domain !

ABHA offers a unique and secure digital health identity for every Indian to access, share and manage their health records. ABDM aims to create a seamless online platform that connects patients, hospitals and care providers. We assist in ABHA creation, ABDM integration and healthcare data management - ensuring a smooth, interoperable and compliant experience.

ABHA Account Creation

Health Facility Registry

Healthcare Professionals Registry

Health Data Fiduciaries Onboarding

Health Data Integration

Interoperability Solutions

Healthcare App Development

Analytics and Insights

We crafting technology with
Trending &
scalable technologies


Spring Boot









How much does it cost to build solution in # ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) / ABDM (Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission) ?

The cost varies based on the features you choose. While we showcase the basic market price here, we encourage you to reach out for a personalized and affordable quote. Contact us for more information.

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